Wednesday 30 November 2016

drafting and planning - photography

As my magazine is going to be a rock music, the cover star needs to reflect the theme of the magazine through their body language and facial expressions.
Image result for oli sykesFor example here, where Oli Sykes from Bring Me the Horizon can be seen to be very confident. He is looking straight into the camera, making direct eye contact with the reader, which adds a bit of intimidation. However, this also has a good effect of engaging the reader. I think that in rock magazines it is important for the cover star too appear to be quite intimidating as they are reflecting rock music, which is know to be in some ways harsh or brutal. Therefore, the front cover picture needs to be able to depict this. His straight facial expression suggests that he is focused, which may link to the headline, for example it could be 'Oli Sykes works hard on new album' and if he is pictured to be focused, it relate to the headline creating cohesion in the magazine.
Image result for billie joe armstrong photoshootBody language is also important. For example, here Billie Joe from Green Day is standing with his hands on his hips, which suggests that he feels comfortable and confident, which is good as being confident is very commonly seen amongst rock stars in music magazines. using confident body language shows the reader that the person is ready to talk about their music or whatever it is that they are going to be talking about, and it suggest to the reader that the information could be quite controversial due to the confidence of the person on the photo.

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