Wednesday 23 November 2016

Drafting and Planning - possible names for the magazines

I want my magazine to have a name which will present the rock/punk nature of the magazine. 'Kerrang' is an onomatopoeia of the sound of the guitar, which is effective as it contributes to the rock theme of the magazine, and the stereotypical mess that is linked with rock music.
One of the ideas for a name for my magazine was 'SMASH' as, following Kerrang's footsteps, i wanted my magazine to depict the messines and chaos linked to rock music, and the onomatopoeia 'smash' would do this as it links to things such as smashing guitars.
I have also thought about 'Sound of Rock' as it describes the magazine well, and it shows the reader what kind of music is talked about in the magazine. However, i would have to stick strictly to the rock music, as with 'Smash' i could include punk and sub genres as it is not as specific.
I have also thought about.

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