Thursday 3 November 2016

Self assessment of layout experiment task

I believe that what i could of done better when designing the magazines is use a range of different colour schemes. In four of my magazines the colour scheme is mainly red and white. Although i didn't do this on purpose, i should of looked back on the similarities sooner and realised the repeating pattern of red and white colour schemes. I needed to use a range of colour schemes in order to see which one looks best. Therefore, in the future i need to make sure that i am experimenting with a range of different colour schemes to see which one will be most useful later on for my own magazine.
Furthermore, I think that i could of also added more cover lines to each magazine in order to make the magazines look more realistic, as a normal magazine would usually have a few cover lines, and each of mine only had three.
In addition, i could also improve on my analysis as although i did analyse a couple of things i did, but i can go into depth and explain the effects this will have to the reader and the end effect of the front cover of the magazine. I could also expand by writing about the features that i might have missed out on.
I plan to use this exercise in the future as it shows me what works best with particular types of magazines, and which fonts apply and which ones do not. Layout is also important, and this task helped me practice the placing of features such as cover lines on the page. This will be useful in the future when creating my own magazine as i have the skills needed for designing the layout of the cover page, so that the magazine looks professional and realistic. Furthermore, i had to apply generic codes and conventions to the magazines during this task, so it gave me practise on creating things such as anchorage text, which is essential to grabbing the reader's attention.
I also want my magazine to be a rock magazine, and this task enabled me to create a cover page of two typically rock magazines. This will help me in planning my own magazine as i will know the skills needed to create a good rock magazine of my own. I also practised making the magazine to the liking of the target audience, which is important so that the magazine appeals to the target audience and in result sells successfully.

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