Sunday 6 November 2016

target audience research (kerrang)

I have chosen my magazine to orientate around the rock/punk/pop-punk genres. I picked these genres because it is the type of music that i usually listen to, and because i can find multiple magazines to gain inspiration from.
Image result for Kerrang
Kerrang magazine has the same audience that i want my magazine to have. The audience of Kerrang magazine are young people of ages 15-24. Most of this target audience are therefore teenagers. Kerrang relate to their target audience in a couple of ways. For example, Kerrang features musicians who their target audience is likely to listen to. For example, on this cover it is Gerard Way of My Chemical Romance; a majority of Kerrang's target audience are aware of who he is. This way, Kerrang attracts and maintains their target audience.
My magazine will also have a similar target audience of teenagers and young adults. I think this is a good idea for i am a teenager and i know what people my age, who listen to rock music, are interested in. 

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