Saturday 3 December 2016

Drafting and Planning - fonts

In order for my magazine to be successful in creating the rock mise-en-scene, the masthead must relate to the rock theme of the magazine.
I have chosen these 4 fonts as i believe that they all would be appropriate for the rock music magazine:
I have then asked my friends and classmates to choose one font, which they think is the most appropriate. I counted up each vote using a tally chart next to each font. In total, 45 people voted for their favourite font. the font which received the most voted, 15 of them was font two. Then, both with 11 votes were fonts 1 and 4. The font which was least liked was font 3. I am happy with the results of the survey as font two is also my favourite. I like the little cross element used in the letter A, which can be a symbol used throughout the magazine to create cohesion. It is also the boldest font, which is appropriate for a font of a rock magazine. I think the boldness of the font goes well with the name 'Smash' as it has connotations of loudness and mess. I also thought that font one would go well as a masthead as i have used it before in a task where we had to create a magazine using pictures of existing artist. The font there went well with the colours and layout, however, i want my own magazine to be bolder and more rock themed than this one, therefore i think that this font wouldn't fit the magazine i am making now as well as font 2. Therefore, i have decided to use font 2 for the masthead as it fits in well with the ethos of the magazine.

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