Sunday 26 February 2017

organisation: final draft survey responses

I have asked my audience if they think that the Q&A article on the double page spread is long enough. 14% said that it is not, therefore, i have to consider adding a bit more Q&A's to the article in order to satisfy all of my target audience.
All of my audience said that there are enough features on the contents page, therefore the contents page matches the amount of things the audience want to see in the magazine.
All of my target audience have said that the magazine matches the target audience of teenagers and young adults, which means that the magazine is suitable and can attract people of these age groups. This means that the magazine can sell and make profit.
This shows me that i may need to put more cover lines on the contents page, as 43%, nearly half, of my target audience has said that there aren't enough cover lines on the front cover. Furthermore, adding more cover lines can help me get rid of any negative space which makes the magazine look less professional.
All of my target audience have said that the front cover picture is effective. I think that the use of the guitar, darker clothing and make up helps to build up the rock theme of the magazine, making the picture contribute to the theme. The picture could be effective in showing the darker music of the band as well as creating cohesion in the magazine in terms of the magazine having a rock theme.
All of my target audience have said that they like the red and black colour scheme, and have said that it is suitable. This is good as is the target audience like the design on the magazine they are more likely to be interested in it and buy it. The red and black also contribute to the rock theme of the magazine as these colours are usually used on rock magazines (as shown in my similar product research).

All of my target audience have also said that the black and red colour scheme help to build up the rock theme of the magazine. This enables the audience to automatically see that the magazine has a rock theme.

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