Tuesday 14 February 2017

drafting and planning: Asking audience about main cover line font

In order to decide on the font for my main cover line i have decided my audience, mainly teenagers, to choose the font which they think is the most appropriate. Most of my audience have chosen the second font which is a lot more bold and more eye catching. I feel that i should choose this fo9nt not only because its the boldest (if it is bold then it is more likely to be noticed amongst other magazines as well as be distinguished amongst other cover lines on the front cover) but also because it appeals to my target audience. It is important to me to consider my target audience as if i do then it means that the magazine is more likely to sell as it appeals to the target audience;it has features which they like and can relate to. These features can include the font of the cover line as if it is bold and standing out then it can relate to the bold attitudes that are often associated with teenagers. Therefore this is the font my target audience and I have chosen:

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