Tuesday 4 October 2016

Research into similar product - double spread 3

Image result for all time low double page spread
I picked this double page spread because the colours stood out to me. The bold 'Arena Land' in the title of the article caught my attention as it is written in a bright yellow colour. The title also stands out against the darker background of the picture. What also stood out to me was 'the big story' written in a bright yellow box. This links to the title and shows that this is the main story. I also like the headline 'somewhere in arena land' and is it a play on words of one of their songs 'somewhere in neverland'. I like the picture and its position on the page as it takes up most of the page, showing that the article is about the band in which he is in. He is also stood with his arms out, which could show that he is embracing the 'arena land' stated in the title. The white font stands out against the darker background, making it clear to read. Some parts of the text are bolded, this shows the important parts of the article. For example, in the subheading underneath the article, 'Alex Gaskarth' and 'All Time Low' are bolded, which shows that they are important and relevant to the article.

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