Sunday 2 October 2016

Research into similar product - double page 1

Image result for double page spread rock sound
I like the layout of this page as it looks well organised. The picture of the band on the right side links to the article on the left side. The band is looking directly into the camera, making eye contact with the reader. This makes the reader feel more engaged in the article. The headline next to the image of the band stands out and gives the band their credit. Some text in the article is bigger than the other, therefore it shows key quotes from the band. The headline also links to the article content on the left side of the page. There are three different fonts which are used for three different types of text. There is a font for the band's name, then one for the headline and key quotes and another one for the main article. The white colour of the article text compliments the black background, making it easy for the reader to be able to read. The article starts with a bold drop cap, making the article stand out on the page and catching the attention of the reader.

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