Monday 6 March 2017

Feedback on coursework response

I am very pleased with the feedback i have received from my teacher. This feedback helped me as now i know what can be improved in my magazine in order to make sure that it is successful. At the moment my only improvements are to do with spelling errors (lack of capital letters in some places) and adding more content to my Q&A article. Every other criteria from the mark scheme has been met, meaning that i am on the right track to making my magazine successful. The genre of the magazine is determinable, which is important as the audience need to be aware of the genre straight away, my teacher has spotted that the genre is rock, which is correct. I am also very pleased with my contents page as no improvements have been suggesting, which means that my contents page has everything it needs to have. To improve it a little, even though this wasn't suggested, i might add a couple more features as in my research i have discovered magazines such as kerrang to have many features in the contents page. My front cover is 'generally fine' but in my opinion i need to improve the main headline and see if i can make it look more realistic. I am happy with the use of the colour yellow but i possibly need to look around for a different font for anchorage text (i think it doesn't really match any other font in my magazine). My interview lacks in content therefore i need to add more information. Another thing, is that i want to change the intensity and brightness of the red colour in the article as i think it is too bright. Choosing a darker red colour could be more effective as it wouldnt be as contrasting.

Friday 3 March 2017

Feedback on coursework (from teacher)

This is the feedback i received from my teacher about the final draft of my magazine:
  1. All elements - front cover, contents page and double page spread - have been submitted
  2. there is a minimum of four photographs
  3. essential conventions have been applied: dateline, price, URL, bar code
  4. The immediate genre of the magazine is determinable - Rock genre
  5. Front page cover lines (main/supporting) are consistent with the contents page
  6. There are enough features to the contents page 
  7. The double page spread page numbers correlate with the contents page
  8. the font size is 8/9
  9. Some capital letters are missing
Front cover: Generally fine
Contents page: No improvements suggest
Double page spread: Interview lacks content